Simply Mpowering®


Explore New Horizons


Trust Your Inner Compass...

University Pathway Coaching

Discover what truly makes you thrive and express your full potential!

"Thanks to Mirjana, I was able to gain clarity not only visually, but also mentally. I recognized my options and found courses of study that matched my interests. Above all, the coaching made me realize that you often tend to go with the flow instead of developing your own goals and ideas."

High school graduate in Biomedicine

Key Benefits of Pathways Coaching Sessions

🌟 Individual sessions or tailor made packages 🌟



1. Tailored Step-By-Step Guidance for Students:

  • Personalized coaching to help students identify their unique strengths, interests, and aspirations.

2. Comprehensive University Pathways:

  • Expert advice on selecting the right universities and courses that align with each student's natural gifts, talents and goals.

3. Career Exploration Workshops:

  • Interactive sessions to help students explore potential career paths that match their passions and skills.

4. Decision-Making Tools:

  • Strategies and techniques to support students in making informed decisions about their academic and professional futures.

5. Inner Compass Setting:

  • Guidance to help students tune into their inner compass, ensuring their choices are authentic and fulfilling.

6. Weekly Q&A Sessions:

  • Live Q&A sessions each week to address students' and parents' questions and provide real-time support and feedback.

7. 4-8 Weeklong Webinar Series:

  • A structured program with weekly sessions over 4-8 weeks, providing continuous guidance and development. 

8. Overcoming Exam Anxiety:

  • Practical tools and simple meditations to help students manage exam anxiety, improve focus, and enhance performance.

9. Parental Engagement:

  • Sessions designed to involve parents, helping them understand and support their child's journey effectively.

10. Systemic Family and School Dynamics:

  • Coaching that addresses family and school dynamics, uncovering and transforming hidden patterns that may impact students' success.

11. Holistic Student Development:

  • A focus on nurturing students' physical, emotional, and mental health for a balanced and healthy approach to education.

12. Goal Setting and Achievement:

  • Support in setting realistic, achievable goals and creating actionable plans to reach them.

13. Creative and Inspiring Processes:

  • Engaging students in creative exercises that inspire and motivate them to express their authentic selves.

14. Continuous Support and Adjustments:

  • Ongoing support with regular check-ins to adjust plans and strategies, ensuring sustained progress and adaptation.

15. Community Building:

  • Opportunities for students to connect with like-minded peers, fostering a supportive and inspiring community.


Take the first step towards a Brighter Future! 

Join Our Comprehensive Coaching Program and Empower Your Students to Take Responsibility for their future!

For more information please contact us. 



Key Benefits of Pathways Coaching Sessions

🌟 Individual sessions or tailor made packages 🌟



1. Personalized Guidance:

  • Tailored advice to help the student discover their unique strengths, interests, and aspirations.

2. Comprehensive University Pathways:

  • Expert insights on choosing the right university and course that align with students interest, natural gifts and talents and goals.

3. Career Exploration:

  • Assistance in identifying potential career paths that resonate with students’ passions and skills.

4. Decision-Making Support:

  • Tools and strategies to help students make informed decisions about their academic and professional futures.

5. Inner Compass Setting:

  • Techniques to help students tune into their inner guidance, ensuring choices are authentic and fulfilling.

6. Overcoming Challenges:

  • Support in managing exam anxiety, improving focus, and developing resilience to navigate academic pressures.

7. Practical Tools and Resources:

  • Access to a wealth of resources, including checklists, planning guides, and study tips to streamline the pathway selection process.

8. Parental Involvement:

  • Opportunities for parents to engage and understand their child's journey, fostering a supportive home environment.

9. Systemic Approach:

  • Family and systemic coaching to address underlying patterns and dynamics that may impact students’ choices and success.

10. Holistic Development:

  • Focus on physical, emotional, and mental well-being to ensure a balanced and healthy approach to education and career planning.

11. Goal Setting and Achievement:

  • Assistance in setting realistic and achievable goals, and developing actionable plans to reach them.

12. Community and Networking:

  • Connect with like-minded peers and professionals for support, inspiration, and opportunities.

13. Ongoing Support:

  • Continuous guidance and check-ins to adjust plans and strategies as needed, ensuring sustained progress.

14. Expert Human Potential Coaching:

  • Benefit from the expertise of a seasoned coach dedicated to helping students unleash their full potential and thrive in their chosen paths.

15. Transformational Impact:

  • Experience profound personal growth and transformation, leading to a more empowered and purposeful life.


Take the first step towards a Brighter Future

Empower Your Child!

For more information please contact us. 



"All my life I was convinced that by the time I graduated from high school, I would know what career I wanted to pursue later. For me, graduating from high school was an important milestone on this path. But the hoped-for flash of inspiration never materialized. Mirjana helped me visualize my interests, wishes and ideas, which not only made me think but also provided clarity.

Above all, I realized that people often tend to go with the flow instead of developing their own goals and ideas. In addition, you should not limit yourself to the “well-known” courses, but rather open your horizons and research more closely.

Thanks to Mirjana, I was able to gain clarity not only visually but also mentally. I recognized my options and found courses that matched my interests. After this experience, I became a big fan of Coaching.     

Isabella, a High School Graduate in Biomedicine, Austria 

Webinar - How to choose your unique university pathway

🌟 A Four-Week Coaching Webinar for Students 🌟

 Why Join This Webinar?

 Set Your Inner Compass: Learn how to tune into your inner guidance to make decisions that align with your passions and strengths, leading you to a fulfilling and purposeful academic journey.

 Express Your Full Potential: This webinar goes beyond career advice. It's about helping you discover and express your full potential, ensuring that your choices bring you joy and fulfillment.

 Find Joy and Purpose: Understand how to choose a path that not only sets you up for success but also brings meaning and joy to your life.

 Guidance from an Expert Human Potential Coach: Benefit from the insights and experience of a seasoned coach dedicated to helping students like you navigate this critical phase with confidence and clarity.

  What You'll Gain:

🌟 Clarity and Confidence: Gain a clear understanding of your interests and strengths, empowering you to make confident decisions about your future.

🌟 Personal Growth: Engage in activities and discussions that foster self-discovery and personal growth, setting the stage for a rewarding educational experience.

🌟 Practical Tools and Resources: Receive practical tips, tools, and resources to help you manage anxiety, improve focus, and stay on track throughout your decision-making process.

🌟 Community Support: Join a community of like-minded students, sharing experiences and supporting each other on this journey.

Webinar Details

  • Duration: Four weeks
  • Format: Weekly online live sessions with interactive Q&A
  • Dates: Choose from multiple dates! Each Webinar runs over four weeks.
  • Webinar - please contact us for the next available dates
  • Cost: CHF38 per week or  CHF150 for all four weeks
Thanks to Mirjana, I gained clarity not only visually, but also mentally. I recognized my options and found courses of study that matched my interests. Above all, the coaching made me realize that you often tend to go with the flow instead of developing your own goals and ideas.
Isabella, a High school graduate in Biomedicine


Don't Miss Out!

Take the first step towards a joyful and purposeful future. Join our four-week coaching webinar and start your journey to discovering what truly makes you thrive.

Register Now and Discover Your Full Potential! 🌟



Please contact us for the next available dates.

Feel free to reach out to me with any questions or enquiries. 

I'm here to support you on your journey to finding the perfect university and course. Whether you need clarification on the handbook or would like to book a personalized Coaching, I'm just a message away. Looking forward to hearing from you!

"What I feel is unique about Mirjana is that she can touch and feel one’s mind, heart and soul. "

Tomer, Israel, Ex-army commander

"Thank you for the amount of strength, time and compassion you have given me. I have never met or worked with someone like you before. "

Daniel Y. Frohwein, UK, Founder, Realise Your Potential

"Mirjana is the real deal! The experience with Mirjana was very heartfelt, empowering and inspiring."

Katherine Puckett, USA, Founder of the Oasis Process

"Awesome, fantastic, beautiful, wonderful, enlightening!"

Mike, Switzerland, Executive Director Banking

"I feel like I have emerged with a new perspective on life, relationships and the working of the Universe. Could not have found a better person to walk this journey with than Mirjana and cannot recommend her enough. "

Aditi, USA, Family Business Manager

"Mirjana’s kind and compassionate approach allowed me to open up to one of the deepest healing experiences I have had, and to release long standing trauma and sadness. Mirjana is extraordinarily skilled and generous and I highly recommend working with her as part of any healing journey. "

Scott, USA

"Mirjana is very compassionate and was able to address what my needs were in such depth when I was going through a tremendous life shift. I am left with a deep appreciation and profound respect for Mirjana. "

Richard, USA

"To me, it felt I was being tuned back to my true frequency where life was so carefree, happy and natural and made me feel alive. Working with Mirjana was a life time experience – set in my heart."

Shhanya, Singapore

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