"A small step can turn out to be a quantum leap." 

First of all, a warm welcome!

Thank you for your curiosity to find out more about me.

As an experienced human potential coach, I provide unparalleled support to schools, families, and students on their career and university search journey. You will receive invaluable resources and dedicated guidance to ensure every student finds the perfect academic and individual career path.

For a personalized experience that meets your unique needs, please contact me to explore tailor-made packages designed just for you.

Mirjana Power 



Human Potential Coach 

  • Systemic, creative, clear and compassionate  
  • Multidimensional and explorative 
  • Curious, deep and mindful enquiry 
  • Global experience
  • Individual and Career Coaching
  • School Coaching
  • University Pathway Coaching
  • Family Coaching
  • Leadership Coaching
  • Team Coaching


Expressive and Therapeutic

Life-Arts Coach 

I spent most of my life believing I was not creative until... 

  • Healing through the arts, sound and energy 
  • Restoring physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health
  • Healing grief, trauma, repetitive patterns, relationships
  • Dealing with neurodiversity
  • Applying a holistic approach to body, mind and soul 
  • Certified Tamalpa Practitioner - Life/Art Process® 


Mom, Edupreneur, Artist, Author, Speaker, Facilitator, Mentor, Content Creator, Channel...

Some could call it ADHD and others call it a diverse spectrum of interests... you just need to channel the energy right...

  • Exploring and designing new education systems 
  • Empowering workshops
  • Transformational retreats
  • Connected parenting / parent compass
  • Mindful communication with children/youth
  • Perpetual learner 
  • Tapping into neuroscience and the quantum field 

What customers are saying...

“You are such a beautiful soul and life coach! Warm, joyful, welcoming, compassionate, full of light and expert in guiding us to create a future full of purpose, joy, and bliss."

Jan, USA 

What I feel is unique about you is that you can touch one's mind, heart and soul.”

Tomer, Israel 

"I feel like I have emerged with a new perspective on life, relationships and the working of the universe. I could have not found a better person to walk this journey with than Mirjana and cannot recommend her enough!” 

Aditi, USA 


  • Q & A session or tailor made packages for schools
  • 4-8 weeklong Webinar series for students 
  • Career Exploration Workshops
  • Decision-Making Tools
  • Practical Resources
  • Tailored Guidance for Students
  • Holistic Student Development
  • Goal Setting and Achievement
  • Continuous Support and Adjustments
  • Creative and Inspiring Processes
  • Overcoming Exam Anxiety
  • Transformational impact
  • Tailor made packages available

Transform. Expand. Inspire.

Students and Families

  • Individual session or tailor made packages
  • Expert Human Potential Coaching
  • Personalized Guidance
  • Decision-Making Support
  • Systemic Approach
  • Career Exploration
  • Comprehensive University Pathways 
  • Practical Tools and Resources
  • Overcoming Challenges and exam anxiety
  • Inner Compass Setting
  • Transformational impact
  • Holistic Development
  • Ongoing support 
  • Webinars

 The magic...

...I thought I couldn't do what others can do...

It was a process to realize that everyone is unique and I just need to be myself....

One day I had this epiphany: The magic happens INSIDE the comfort zone. Most people keep looking outside for success and ignore all the gifts and talents that they already have. They cover them up by trying to copy other people's paths and talents. Yet, they would do so much better if they harnessed their uniqueness. 

🌟 Unleash Your Full Potential with a Highly 

Transformational Coaching! 🌟


For Schools and Students Seeking Profound Personal and Academic Growth. 

 For families seeking to support their children in growing and fully expressing their potential, nurturing their academic and personal development.

Are you ready to embark on a journey of profound personal and academic growth? My coaching programs are designed to deepen your experience and guide you toward a more empowered, balanced, and fulfilling life.

Why Choose My Coaching Programs?

Exceptional Human Potential Coaching: My unique approach to coaching helps students unlock their full potential, empowering them to achieve their dreams and academic aspirations.

Transformational Systemic Family or School Constellations: Dive deep into the dynamics of family or school environments to uncover and transform hidden patterns, fostering harmony and success.

Creative and Inspiring Life Arts Process: Engage in a creative journey that inspires and motivates, helping students express their authentic selves and live more vibrant lives.

Identifying and Removing Blockages: Through targeted techniques, we identify and remove blockages that hinder progress, restoring a natural flow of energy and opportunities for students.

Compassionate, Expressive, and Healing Arts: Experience the power of compassionate and expressive arts that promote healing and emotional well-being among students.

Energy and Sound Healing: Benefit from sound healing, designed to balance and harmonize the body's energy systems.

Deep Relaxation Meditations: Participate in guided meditations that offer deep relaxation, and inner peace, helping students reconnect with the potential of their true selves.

Reduce Exam Anxiety and Improve Focus: Access specialized meditations, resources, and tools specifically designed to reduce exam anxiety and enhance focus, enabling students to perform at their best.

Mindful Self-Compassion: Learn the art of mindful self-compassion to cultivate a kinder, more understanding relationship with oneself, enhancing overall well-being.

Physical, Emotional, and Mental Health: My holistic approach ensures that students' physical, emotional, and mental health are nurtured, leading to balanced and healthy personal and school lives.

Take the first step towards a more magical and fulfilling life. With comprehensive resources and compassionate guidance, students will be equipped to navigate life's challenges and embrace their true potential.

Begin Your Journey to Transformation Now! 🌟

Unleash the magic within and transform your school, family and student life with my expert coaching programs. 🌟




A small step can turn out to be a quantum leap

Please contact us for more information or to book individual sessions and Coaching packages

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