The magic of trusting your inner compass - recognizing "interference"

Recently I sat in a small cafe with a big poster on the wall: "When things change inside you, things change around you."

It seems like such a simple statement. Yet, it is a very courageous journey to look "inside". 

What does "inside" mean for you? Are you in resonance with the above statement? Why are you in resonance with it or why are you not in resonance?  

Have you had any experiences where you felt, things inside you changed and as a result, things around you changed? 

How has that impacted your life? 

It seems to me that we are born with an "inner compass". On the one hand, it can help us navigate life and learn to weather stormy seas. It is a form of survival tool kit. 

On the other hand, it can support us to explore new adventures. However, the majority of us have not been taught how to be courageous and explore new worlds. Maybe we learned to set our compass in only one direction because it was the safest way.  

Have we maybe learned from an early age that the authority who knows best is outside?

Long before we discovered who we are or want to be we were told who we had to be. 

Parents, teachers, church leaders or older siblings taught us how to navigate this world, based on their own experiences, expectations and unfulfilled dreams.  

I never understood as a child, how other people did not see what I saw or did not feel what I felt. Over time, I started to lose that connection to my inner knowing, as my experiences were never validated by the outside world. I believe that is the case for many people. 

Deep down, the inner knowing was always present but usually overruled by the analytical mind and the outside world. 

Many times in my life I paid a high price for not trusting my intuition and my inner compass. 

Looking back, I realise it was my experience with energy healing that assisted me in learning to trust my intuition again.

But I also had to learn to trust my body again. In fact, I had to learn to trust myself again. Our society and schools are so focused on the left side of the brain and the analytical mind that we have disconnected from feeling and sensing. 

We all learn in different ways. This has been widely known for a long time now. Yet, in 2024 we are still teaching all children only in one linear way.

How many of us have learned how to thrive in life? How many of us have learned to listen to what our body is saying?

Have you ever observed, how your body reacts in certain situations or with certain thoughts or even around certain people? 

How many times have you overruled those feelings and sensations? How often have you allowed the outside world to interfere with your inner knowing? 

Our inner compass might tell us to "set sail for new adventures".

It might also tell us that "something does not seem right here" or "this person is not good for me". It is not always about a person triggering you because they might be a mirror for you.

Our inner compass will lead us on a journey of exploration with the potential to discover talents we might not even know we have.

Our inner compass will show us the way to areas in our lives that need healing. 

Our inner compass will remind us when we need to slow down or change direction as we might be crashing the ship otherwise. 

Our inner compass represents the deeper connection to ourselves. We have unlearned how to trust ourselves and our inner compass. 

My experience in life has certainly been, that the more I changed inside, the more things changed around me. 

I believe that most people feel and see what I feel and see. However, nobody wants to tell the emperor that he is not wearing any clothes.

The problem is not that we are increasingly witnessing a divide between people. Our focus needs to be on our own fragmentation. Can we embrace all aspects of ourselves and trust our inner compass? 

What direction is your inner compass set to? 

Have a magical week! 


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