The magic of an impact fund

Is there any topic in your life that you are passionate about and would like to improve on a bigger scale?

What kind of magic could an impact fund create in that area? Have you ever wondered about creating one? I have. 

Can you imagine that I worked in fund management many years ago? It was by pure chance that I ended up in that environment after university. I knew nothing about mutual funds at that stage. 

I did have accounting and business classes in school. However, it was not an avenue I had ever considered taking. 

After fund management, I explored energy healing, human potential coaching, mindfulness and expressive arts therapy. Now I am writing books. It is a short lifetime after all. 

I also volunteered a lot in my children's schools.

A couple of times I was a panel speaker at the career forum at my children's school.

I still remember a student's big smile on his face. He told me that I had been the first person that morning,...

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The magic of systemic constellations - an amazing and simple resource


A week ago I was walking around with short sleeves. Today I am looking at heavy snowfall. April has always been a month with crazy weather patterns.

We even have an idiom in German: Der April, macht was er will, which means, April, does whatever it wants. 

Today I would like to share with you an amazing resource.

Have you ever wondered why certain situations in your life keep repeating themselves? 

Are there any challenges in your life, job or relationships that take up a lot of your energy and you are tired of dealing with them? 

There are so many avenues you could take to explore those questions. 

It might be enough to become aware of where an issue originates from. However, many times it requires a systemic move to resolve itself. 

I like to use a simple and powerful resource that I always share with my clients: systemic constellations. 

There are so many benefits to working with it. If you take a step back you might realize...

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The magic of humility - humble leadership is on its way

Are you also observing the change that is taking place in our world?

It feels a bit like a veil is being lifted, floodgates have opened and the captain has lost control over the ship. However, the passengers are learning to steer it themselves. 

How are the passengers going to steer that ship? We cannot solve problems, the way we have created them. If our problems were created by greed, control, manipulation, arrogance and ignorance then they will not be solved that way.

At some point, the collapsing point is reached (even in our personal lives). History has taught us that lesson over and over again.

Each generation has a different experience with history and thus keeps forgetting what led to the collapsing point.

We learn about it in history classes and maybe from our parents or grandparents. However, it is different if you have been through the experience yourself or read books about it. 

In times of uncertainty, it is in everyone's DNA to seek safety, guidance and...

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The magic of trusting your inner compass - recognizing "interference"

Recently I sat in a small cafe with a big poster on the wall: "When things change inside you, things change around you."

It seems like such a simple statement. Yet, it is a very courageous journey to look "inside". 

What does "inside" mean for you? Are you in resonance with the above statement? Why are you in resonance with it or why are you not in resonance?  

Have you had any experiences where you felt, things inside you changed and as a result, things around you changed? 

How has that impacted your life? 

It seems to me that we are born with an "inner compass". On the one hand, it can help us navigate life and learn to weather stormy seas. It is a form of survival tool kit. 

On the other hand, it can support us to explore new adventures. However, the majority of us have not been taught how to be courageous and explore new worlds. Maybe we learned to set our compass in only one direction because it was the safest way.  

Have we maybe learned...

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The magic of setting an intention - finding your own magic

You might remember that last November I set the intention to share some magic and hope with the world. Well, as I am part of that world it of course affected me too.

Isn't that in itself magical?

Can you imagine, that all you have to do is set an intention and simply allow it to unfold? There is no need to control what it is meant to look like. Be open to its magical manifestation in your reality.

When we attempt to control it we tend to limit the possibilities that will arise. We tend to approach it from a "familiar experience" instead of trusting the potential that is waiting in the new and the unknown. 

We might take some steps to support our intention but when we allow it to unfold in its own way, it might present itself in magical ways. 

Here is an example, of how my intention of "sharing magic and hope" unfolded in unexpected ways. I permitted myself to write the "University Compass".

I took a step to start writing it and then it unfolded in...

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The magic of a "dancing giraffe"

Since spring has arrived in Switzerland people seem more energised and upbeat as they enjoy the first warm days and the colourful spring flowers popping up everywhere! 

I love hearing so many stories of "new beginnings" around me. Despite the madness in the world, many people have realised that the change begins with themselves and their own lives. 

I feel so blessed in my peaceful little town. It even has a small cafe with a bookshop, which is cosy and unique.

I have always loved to read books and growing up I lived next door to the public library. 

Maybe that's why I still love children's books, especially those that share such profound wisdom in a very creative and simple way. 

My basement is filled with children's books although I have given away loads. I started reading stories to my son when he was six months old.

He would always tap on the book to tell me he wanted me to read it again. He had inherited the love for books. 

The really...

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The magic of simplicity

Today I would like to invite you to reflect on what your life would be like if you tried to simplify it.

Imagine you had to restart your life with just one suitcase.

What would you put into that suitcase? What do you believe you need in your life?

What are the things that you feel you would miss most if you had to give them up? Would you really miss them? Have you just gotten used to having them?

Where would you want to live? 

I have moved so many times in my life, sometimes with just one suitcase and other times with a giant container.

I often felt I could have started a toy store with the amount of toys my children owned. Yet they played with very few of them. 

For years I had a lot of things in storage. When those things came out of storage, I wondered why I owned so much stuff I did not need. 

I had completely forgotten about all those things as they were packed in boxes. Although I have given away tons, I am still faced with boxes from my "old...

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The magic of letting go - creating space for the new

How do you feel when you read or hear a sentence like "letting go of the old creates room for the new"? Maybe take a moment to sit with that question.

What is the first thought, picture or feeling that comes up? Maybe write it down or draw a picture and express whatever wants to be seen, heard or felt. 

Just one (small) step leads to change and a new experience. Unless we let go of what we are familiar with and risk that one step forward into the unknown, we do not know what is around the corner. 

Last year I came across a video of two siblings singing the song "The Prayer".

Then the 3rd sibling joined as well. They are all STEM students. It was heartwarming to listen to their story and see where their journey was taking them step by step. From singing together at home during COVID, uploading their first YouTube videos, uploading Christmas songs on platforms such as iTunes and Spotify, setting up a Go fund me page to...

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The magic of expanding and collapsing - honouring both

What are your thoughts on "expanding and collapsing"? 

What experiences or pictures do you associate with those words? 

Well, about seven years ago my own life as I had known it literally collapsed. I was taken by surprise and not prepared for the many exhausting experiences that followed. 

Today I understand the need for collapsing and the magic that it holds. Infinity exists and there is infinite expansion, with points of collapse.

Throughout my Tamalpa life arts training we practiced those sequences through movement: expand and collapse. It is part of life and natural cycles. Have we forgotten to honour those?

Recently, I learned a qi gong exercise where I was reminded of how collapsing leads to a period of rest, transformation and gathering energy. It is a crucial point for the expansion that follows. When we allow that natural process, an effortless expansion unfolds. 

Every time we let go and "collapse" we repeat that cycle. Rest, gather energy and...

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The magic of slowing down - being present with life

Have you ever wondered if you are rushing through life to get everything done? 

Do you feel you are too busy and always on the go? You might even be so used to such patterns without realising that your life is filled with constant action. 

Yet something magical happens when we slow down. We become much more present with life. 

The world looks very different when we slow down. We tend to become very aware of the present moment when nothing else but that moment seems to exist. 

Suddenly all the noise that the world creates ceases to be relevant. 

When we rush through life, we lose connection to ourselves and others. We might not realise that we are somehow disconnected until we slow down our lives and become aware of it.

If you reflect on your life, are there times or experiences when you feel you lost that connection? 

Imagine a hamster wheel that is continuously turning. It might be good for exercise but it...

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